Nationals. Yep. The time has finally arrived.
A few small, not-really-all-that-important-or-organized, thoughts:
>First off, I’m sad that not ALL of you are coming to
Nationals. Seriously, that’s lame. I’ll try to have fun without you.
>I’ve packed my bags, printed my speech for script
submission, and done about as much debate research as I can handle. Pretty sure
my debate box weighs at least 20 lbs. Probably more.
>Mrs. Gage chatted me to tell me to not stay up too late
at Nationals (not gonna happen, Natalie and I are planning on partying every
night ;) ), and then she told me to make my rounds the best rounds that I can
at Nationals. She is seriously my favorite debate coach. <3
>I’m really really really excited for this experience. And I also really want
to do well at Nationals this year. I’ve prepped more for this tournament than
any other tournament this year. I’m really hoping it pays off. But even if it
doesn’t and I completely fail, I’ve learned SO much from speech and debate this
year. Things that I am hoping to use for the rest of my life.
>This verse>>>> “For what was glorious has no
glory now in comparison with the passing glory. And if what was fading away
came with glory, how much greater is the glory of that which lasts!” – 2 Cor.
3:11. To those of you who qualified to Nationals— Congrats, it’s a big
achievement! And if you do super amazingly well and win all the awards, GREAT!
But keep in mind that any rewards or glories we get here are on earth is
NOTHING compared to the reward that we will get from honoring Christ. Let’s go
to Nationals and do our absolute best, but let’s not forget that the glory we
get there will only be a taste of the eternal glory that will be ours if we
honor Christ. :D
>Region 5, let’s go try win every single event. (Highly unlikely, but think about it… how cool would that be?)
Okay, that was your non-intellectual post for the day. :D