Tuesday, August 20, 2013

New Perspective // New Lifestyle

I was up late last night, doing some pretty serious thinking. I've decided: I’m a Junior, I’m two years from college, less than two years from being 18… and it’s time to get real with myself – Life’s not about me any more (and it never was, and never should be again). 

I’m tired of worrying so much about what kind of impression I leave on people, tired of caring so much about people's attention and what they think of me. My life up until now has been all about me. Me, me, me. And I’m tired of it – SO sick of it. It’s time to change… and I should have changed a long time ago. It’s time to stop doing things simply for my own benefit, and time to stop letting others define who I am. I’ll be honest: I care a lot about what others think of me. Not all the time, but most of the time.  Proverbs 31:30 says "Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised." <<< I want to be that woman. I want to fear God and not worry so much about my looks or my charm or whatever else.

It’s time to let Christ define me… not just a little bit, but completely. I want Him to define me, I want Him to be the reason that I do what I do and I live how I live. I want to carry myself with confidence because I know that He is in charge and He has a plan. I want to give Christ everything, and I want Him to become my everything. I want Jesus to fill me up and I want people to see in me God’s grace and His love and His peace. Because THAT is something worth living for. That is something to strive for. 

Life’s not about me - it’s about Jesus and what He has done. I have FAILED to do so much because I am a broken sinner, in desperate need of a Savior to heal me. There’s a lot of great stuff on this earth… but Jesus is the only one TRULY worth living for. My life right now? I act like a good Christian… but inwardly, it’s sometimes a different story. I mean, I try to make God the center of my life, but I’m not trying hard enough. And that HAS to change. And it’s not going to change tomorrow – it’s going to change right now (actually, it changed last night). Goodbye, selfish ambitions. It’s time to be finished with doing things just for myself - and it’s time to do things for Christ, and for Him alone. 

It won’t always be easy – it’s going to be an uphill climb. It feels like it's Me vs. World. But if God is for us, then who can stand against us? Letting go is hard, it’s hard to change the way I think about things. But I know it’s safe… why? Because God wouldn’t tell me to jump if He couldn’t catch me. And honestly... I’d rather rest safely in His arms than wander the world alone, doing things just for myself.

This is my new perspective. And it’s not just a perspective – it’s a lifestyle. 

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