Tuesday, September 30, 2014

rainy day thoughts

Some days are sunny and life is easy and everyone is happy and you wonder if things could ever go wrong. But some days are also cloudy and you think it might rain and you spend the day at home listening to sad music and thinking over every hard thing in life, and it seems impossible to imagine ever being truly happy and content with your life. There will be times when I stay up late trying to solve all the world's problems. There will be days when I forget to smile. 
But that's okay, because even though I'm imperfect, I still want to love you. You will have hard days, and I will too... some days I will cry and you won't be around to comfort me. But I want to love you through the hard days and through the wonderful days. I want to be by your side when you need me, and I want to be by your side on the sunny days when the happiest memories are made. You are like sunshine on the darkest days, you make me smile at my weakest moments. When I'm with you, the stars seem to shine brighter, my heart is warmer, and you make me want to be content with where I am, but still live life to the fullest.

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